Portable Evaporative Cooler
Portable & Construction Heaters
MADE in U.S.A - These portable evaporative coolers combine the low operating costs your customers want with rental-ready features to protect your investment. Water from an onboard tank is pumped to the top of a filter-like cooling pad. Then, a 3100 CFM fan pulls warm, environmental air over the filter and pushes out air with a cooling effect 30+ feet. Automatic pump shut-offs prevents pump burnout when water runs out, 10-gal water tank provides 3-4 hours of runtime with easy to read water level display, convenient garden hose connection for continuous fill, operates from standard circuits with low amp draw and safe GFCI connection. Quiet operation at less than 60 dB, adjustable louvers to control airflow, option to set run time.

Item # |
Item Name |
QTY Avbl
Stock Class |
UOM Price |
Quantity |
PC-31 /Asset/PC-31.png | N/A 3100 CFM, 950 sq. ft. w/ automatic pump shut-off, cooler |
QTY Avbl For Sale N/A {-} |
Stock Class N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | {QUOTE} | UOM N/A {-} |