NFB-C Series Units
NFB-C Condensing Commercial Fire Tube Heating Boilers
The NFB-C series High Efficiency Condensing Fire Tube Boiler is the #1 choice for commercial applications. Features include:
- Lower installation costs with an engineered compact wall hung design, intuitive controls, top or bottom piping connections, and flexible venting options
- Lower operating costs with the industry's leading thermal efficiency at TE 97.5% - Energy Star approved
- Cascading and common vent capable
- Low exhaust gas temperatures allow the use of PVC, CPVC, Polypropylene, and Stainless Steel venting, reducing installation time and costs.
- System can use 3" venting for up to 60 feet, or 4" venting for up to 150 feet
- BMS connectivity (Modbus, BACnet and LonWorks
- Dual venturi system creates better combustion control and turndown ratio
- All units come with field orifice conversion kits for propane gas use
- Easy access heavy-duty air intake filter
- Negative pressure regulating gas valve ensures maximum performance all the way down to 3.5"wc on natural gas and 8"wc on propane gas
- Advanced 7" touch screen controls with built-in USB port to export boiler data and download software updates

Item # |
Item Name |
QTY Avbl
Stock Class |
UOM Price |
Quantity |
NFB-301C /Asset/NFB-C-2021-small.png | N/A Condensing Commercial Fire Tube Boiler |
QTY Avbl For Sale N/A {-} |
Stock Class N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | {QUOTE} | UOM N/A {-} | |
NFB-399C /Asset/NFB-C-2021-small.png | N/A Condensing Commercial Fire Tube Boiler |
QTY Avbl For Sale N/A {-} |
Stock Class N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | N/A {-} | {QUOTE} | UOM N/A {-} |