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QTY Avbl
For Sale

Stock Class

UOM Price


N/A CGA 590 Nut Brass
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/4" MNPT 2-1/2" L
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 2-1/2" L with Check Valve
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/4" MNPT 3" L
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/4" MNPT 3-1/2" L
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/4" MNPT ,4-1/2" L
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/2"-27, 4" L
N/A CGA 590 Handtight Nut Brass
N/A CGA 590 Handtight Nut Plastic
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/4" MNPT, 3-1/2" L with O-ring
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/4" MNPT, 3" L with Soft Tip
N/A CGA 540 Nipple M1 Recessed for 1/4" OD Tube with Soft Tip
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Replacement O-ring
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Replacement Soft Tip
N/A CGA 590 Nut Stainless Steel
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/4" MNPT 3" L Stainless Steel
N/A CGA 500, 510, 580, 590 Nipple 1/4" MNPT 3" L Stainless Steel with Check Valve, EPDM
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