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  • Tank Evacuation Vapor Compressor

    Save your expensive truck pump from damage when evacuating tanks in the field at an 8 to 15 GPM flow rate. Uses include on-site upgrading or downgrading size of storage in the field, emptying cylinders or tanks in need of repair and emergency filling of bobtails.

    This compressor transfers liquid by increasing vapor pressure on tank being emptied and decreasing it on tank being filled. The liquid can be moved into a bulk truck or another bulk tank.

  • Corken® 1-1/4" Packages
  • Little Giant Stationary Tank Inverters
  • Cylinder Purge Systems (Assembled)
  • Red Dragon Propane Flares

    Allows for fast and safe evacuation of tanks and trucks. Complete assembly includes hoses, flare torch for vapor or liquid, pilot with re-ignitor, safety control valve and electronic on/off switch.